How To Use A LinkedIn Email Extractor

To find email address from LinkedIn profile you have to use special LinkedIn email extractor tool which automatically and effortlessly extract emails from LinkedIn profile and leads. To successfully extract emails out of LinkedIn profile you must use the right software tool. To do so you have to know how to extract email properly from LinkedIn profile.

Using The Best Tools

Hire a freelancer for email extraction. With this option you will be outsourcing the task and freelancers are experts in this area. You will, however, give up the control over the emails that will be searched. When you are hiring a freelancer make sure to check his or her portfolio and references. Ask for the full contact information including their previous projects. Check out their previous jobs and communicate with them regarding your targeted clients.


Use the built-in search option of LinkedIn email extractor. When you have selected the profile you want to search you will get a list of corresponding keywords. The advanced search option lets you search profiles that have been associated with any keywords within the last three months. If your targeted audience uses these keywords regularly in their communication with their connections then it makes sense to use the built-in search option in your LinkedIn email finder. Another advantage of the advanced search option is that it helps you get email addresses from highly targeted profiles that might not have been discovered by other means.

Using The Email Finder

Once you have refined your search, the profile you have chosen in the left panel of your LinkedIn email finder will be displayed. You can go through all the profiles and select the one you want to join. In seconds you will have the contact details of the person whom you were searching for. Once the data extraction process is complete, all you have to do is publish your scrapbook. Just click on the “Save/Share” button to publish your page. Your LinkedIn email scraper can help you make easy money if you use it properly.


Apart from making easy money, LinkedIn email finders also help you save a lot of time. It takes away the hassle of sorting through loads of email addresses to find relevant contacts. It also saves you a lot of time if you know how to use it properly. Many people within your industry will use a LinkedIn email finder if they don’t have time to check out individual websites. So if you are interested in finding people within your industry with their email addresses, then consider using a LinkedIn email finder.

Contacting Key Leads

Once you have established who the key players and leads are through using the extractor tool, your next steps are to contact them and where possible seal a deal. Doing this ensures you can convert sales and gain more traction for your business in the long run. Maximising the number of leads you bring into the business is key in order to gain more conversions and sales for the future.

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